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Sabtu, 13 November 2010


annyeong chingu! ^^

sekedar mau share aja nih. keluarnya udah lama sih, tapi berhubung baru balik ke dunia blogger, jadi baru bisa share skrg, hehe.


Lee Gi Kwang ganteng, imuuuuuut bangeeeet <333
*santai vy, santai*

hm, sebenernya ada maksud terselubung. apa itu?
promosi my youtube account: teukivy. hoho.
walaupun masih 1 video sih, ya secara baru bikin, yang account lama lupa password nya.
yeah, that's all.


I'm back!


haha setelah sekian lama vakum dari dunia blogger, akhirnya saya kembali ke dunia ini.
butuh waktu yang cukup lama untuk recovery, yeah you know what the problem is.
and I've just deleted the unimportant post in my blog.
I don't want to remember those things again. actually, I don't want more people know about that thing, I think that's not important anymore. yeah and I don't wanna talk about things related to it and something related to my heart. because it's too vulgar to tell about my privacy, I don't like that. haha. erm, at least for the next one year, because I have to focus and study really really hard, so I can reach my little dream and not being regret in behind. amin :)

so, that's all for the epilogue.
thank you and good luck! :)