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Jumat, 20 November 2009

medical guard in Padmanaba Cup - part 1

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

I watched badminton match. found a high junior school handsome boy.
his name is Stefan. and he looks like Bao Chunlai, China's badminton player. good looking, good badminton player. :)
He won second place.
check his picture. compare it to Bao Chunlai.

first person from the right
first place : Rudi
second place : Stefan :)
third place : Onky

Bao Chunlai :)

I have Stefan's playing badminton video.
but, I can't upload it. the internet connection here is too late.

Senin, 16 November 2009

A boy - such a great music video :)

the fourth music video of G-dragon from Heartbreaker album.
after the others great and nice music video, Heartbreaker-Breathe-Butterfly.
and now.. A boy.
a great music video with the amazing animation.
the creative G-DRAGON !
I love his rap voice.
He also has high-style of fashion. I LOVE IT ! :x

watch his video! such a high-quality music video.

thanks to tintin04jayjay@youtube

Minggu, 15 November 2009

enough is enough !

really like this song :)

"So Sick"

Gotta change my answering machine
Now that I'm alone
Cause right now it says that we
Can't come to the phone
And I know it makes no sense
Cause you walked out the door
But it's the only way I hear your voice anymore
(it's ridiculous)
It's been months
And for some reason I just
(can't get over us)
And I'm stronger than this
(enough is enough)
No more walking round
With my head down
I'm so over being blue
Crying over you

And I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing you were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?

Gotta fix that calendar I have
That's marked July 15th
Because since there's no more you
There's no more anniversary
I'm so fed up with my thoughts of you
And your memory
And how every song reminds me
Of what used to be

That's the reason I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing you were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?

(Leave me alone)
Leave me alone
(Stupid love songs)
Don't make me think about her smile
Or having my first child
I'm letting go
Turning off the radio

Cause I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing she was still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?

Listen to the song

that's very nice :)

no matter how handsome you are!

I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to say. It’s only wondering. Why do you do that to me? Do you think it’s a sin to loving you? You are so weird. I don’t know why. That 2 days are only days we chat each other? I exactly remember those days. It’s Tuesday and Saturday night. That’s all! After those 2 days, you didn’t want to answer my chat. Why? Until now, I’m still wondering about the problem. But, I didn’t find where the problem was. And I think the problem was from you. That was happened suddenly. That’s why I was so surprised. Is it wrong to be honest to you? Is it wrong to say to you that you are handsome? I don’t really understand you. I always try to chat with you, but like I said, you didn’t want to answer it. I only want to share about our favorite music, and the other topics that we both like. I just wanna be your friend. No more! I already know that you already have another girl in your heart. Although, it makes me hurt. It’s alright. I’m happy if you are happy. lols. After that you didn’t want to answer my chat again and again. Finally, I give up! I won’t try to chat with you again. And I don’t care about you again. Arrogant you! :'(

Jumat, 13 November 2009

let's ring ding dong with SHINee ! :D

I love this video.
I love SHINee, especially Onew.
He has incredible voice. :D

watch and enjoyed this video! :)

thanks to GMii3@youtube